
Hi! Unisport will be undergoing maintenance work tomorrow, resulting in a water supply interruption from 8 am until the afternoon (details below in the email from Unisport). Following this, our training session will need to be canceled tomorrow. However, let's get back on track next Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing you then! Cheers, Ewald


saimme juuri tiedon, että ensi viikon tiistaina 6. helmikuuta UniSport Otaniemessä on katko vedenjakelussa ja katkon arvioitu aikaväli on klo 8-15. Kiinteistön vedenjakelu keskeytyy vesijohtoverkoston parannustöiden ajaksi ja katkon pituus riippuu työn etenemisestä ja se voi valmistua suunniteltua aiemmin tai myöhemmin.

Pahoittelemme haittaa!


Dear Customers

we just received information that next week's Tuesday 6th February there will be a break in water supply at UniSport Otaniemi and the estimated time interval for the break is 8 am to 3 pm. The water supply of the property will be interrupted during the upgrading of the water supply network and the length of the break will depend on the progress of the work and may be completed earlier or later than planned.

We are sorry for the inconvenience!

Terveisin / Best Regards

Sini Välipakka

PL 53 (Fabianinkatu 28)
00014 Helsingin yliopisto

GSM +358 50 448 2483