Availability list

Ahmed H Riikka M Paula S
Ewald K Jonna S Lauri J Dina M Yeon L Hedon B David W Gabriel A Tomas F Mattias S Jukka R
Jussi Timothy Alexei K Frank M Apurva G Fares K Olli S Satu R Jere L Joona K Martta N Heli N Kathrin S Kalle A Christa U Mikko H Jens S Taija T Anne-Sophie B Mark v Alexei G Esko P Tomi S Ari K Mostafa S Zhiqiang L Siddhant R Dominic S Elias R Kushagra B Henri W Timo K Hadi G Maria S Anastasia K Arttu A Jerry M Riku R Sajjad S Tuomas M Samuli P Aleksi N Gerhard F Oleksandr S Paulo D Roope K Anna-Riikka S Stefania B Moritz S Christian S David B Dominik B Andres L Onni T Tomi S [2] Ronja D Misa B Nishat C Jasmin S Hertta V Matti P Lauri K Yian C Daniel B Paulo Dzi Esa V Patrick F Lauri S Pouria K Avinash D Theresia H Riku R [2]

Comment ...


Hi everyone. We're currently 5 for tomorrow morning. Any more takers? We can't get a game going with 5 players.


Hello! Maybe the autumn holiday week has its impact for our game. I have so much work to do, that it is ok to me not to have a possibility to play tomorrow morning :)


Sorry for late reply, my earlier post does not show up. I'm in, if it's not too late now ..


Hey, just had another look at roster - we're only 4 so we'll cancel tmr! No football!

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Player 3 11
Coach 0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 0
Total In 3 Out 11
Previous / Next In Out
Game Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 08:30 AM 8 7
Game Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 08:30 AM 6 10
Game Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 08:30 AM 3 11
Game Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 08:30 AM 8 6
Game Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 08:30 AM 8 6

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